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About Us

Seventh-day Adventists (SDA) is a global church organization established in United States in 1863. SDA had been proclaiming the gospel in Hong Kong since1888, Hong Kong-Macao Conference of Seventh-day Adventists (HKMCSDA) was formally established in Hong Kong in 1949, which is a non-profit making religious organization exempted from the registration of society in Hong Kong. The mission of HKMCSDA is to proclaiming the everlasting gospel embraced by the three angels ’messages. HKMCSDA participate in various fields and services, including religious, medical, children and youth, family, elderly, education, etc. Currently, HKMCSDA has 25 churches, 2 hospitals, 6 schools, 3 elderly centers, 1 youth center and 1 reading center in Hong Kong and Macao. HKMCSDA benefit the society by contributing to community work. Please visit our official website for more details. https://hkmcadventist.org

Our Method

Guided by the Bible and the Holy Spirit, Seventh-day Adventists pursue this mission through Christ-like living, communicating, discipling, teaching, healing, and serving.

Our Vision

In harmony with Bible revelation, Seventh-day Adventists see as the climax of God’s plan the restoration of all His creation to full harmony with His perfect will and righteousness.